Since it seems I have broken my server again after updating my Ubuntu
system (see my mail earlier today) I'm going to create yet again a new
Because v2.3 is already in release mode I'm considering that version
instead of v2.2.5.

In the last months I've build and rebuild several servers all with Ubuntu
but differences in Geoserver versions and java versions (oracle/openJDK).
With my last server I was very please with the Oracle Java repro of
webupd8team. But I had installed Java 7 with GS v2.2.3. Later I understood
using Java 6 was recommended. Everything seems to be working fine for me
but after the update of this morning GS will not start anymore.

So I think I have two options. Use Java 6 and v2.2.5 or use Java 7 and 2.3.
I thought I have read GS v2.3 is compatible with Java 7. Am I correct?
If I can use v2.3 I might be able to reuse my current server, since the
rest is still working great.

So please help me decide how to continue since my current server is broken



 *Paul Meems *
Release manager, configuration manager
and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.

Owner of - Support for
Dutch speaking users.

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