First time I seen this was December of last year, from 'hahaha at'
In no way open it, it will really hose your system.

I received it four times between 12/17/00 and 04/13/01; and I thought it was
finally dead.  [no I haven't opened it but it was one of the few my ISP
everyone about -- four hours after it went wideband....]

Don't bother to try to find anybody to complain to at, it's a
forged forward.  Although I see someone did register it to put up a site
to help combat this thing.

I wish people had better things to do than mess around with creaming
everyone with they should get some gerbils and be much
better amused and entertained.

Rebel's Rodent Ranch

>no seven dwarves here.....till now  : )
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 1:51 AM
>Subject: Fwd: Autoresponse to: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL
>I have gotten TWO of these email messages today, which makes me think
>that perhaps someone on the mailing list has gotten themselves
>infected, and is perhaps sending this same virus on to other Window's
>users. As far as I can tell it does not affect Macs running on OS or
>other operating systems besides Windows. If no one else on the list
>has gotten this "Snow White and the 7 Dwarves" thing, please let me
>know, so that I may inform the few email friends I have that one of
>them may be infected.
>I'm just assuming it's someone on the gerbil list, for I've gotten it
>twice today, and no one else has sent me emails. :)
>Just wanted to inform everyone, though I'm sure everyone knows better.
>>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 01:32:09 -0400
>>From: "Auto Responder for" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Autoresponse to: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!
>>|  Please read this whole email as it contains information that can
>>|  be used to protect your computer from a Virus that is spreading
>>|  around the internet.
>>|NOTA BENE: This message is automatically generated; PLEASE DO NOT REPLY.
>>|           Subsequent email with the same reply-to address should not
>>|           induce additional responses from this service.
>>[Translate, Traduisent, Ubersetzen, Traducono, Traduzem, Traducen]
>>(Translations were done by kind visitors to our site)
>>|  Please read this e-mail in its entirety as it contains information
>>|  that you can use to protect your computer from a Virus spreading
>>|  around the Internet.
>>|  NOTE: This message is automatically generated; PLEASE DO NOT REPLY.
>>|  Subsequent e-mail with the same reply-to address should not
>>|  induce additional responses from this service.
>>You are receiving this message because an e-mail, which contained
>>your e-mail address as the return/reply-to address, was sent to
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Possible reasons you received this message are
>>as follows:
>>1) You sent an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to complain to or notify
>>     this user about their SPAMMING, sending an e-mail with a virus,
>>     sending an e-mail that has content that may not be appropriate for
>>     minors and/or to remove yourself from a mailing list, etc.
>>2) Someone else sent an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and they are using
>>     your e-mail address as their return/reply-to address. If this is the
>>     case, we are sorry that this e-mail was sent to you.  However, please
>>     read it, as it contains information about the Virus we are trying to
>>     stop from spreading across the Internet.
>>3) Your anti-virus software sent an e-mail back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
>>     inform them that the e-mail they sent contained a virus. Most
>>     of the time, this e-mail is sent without your knowledge by the
>>     anti-virus software itself.
>>4) Someone has subscribed the e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to a
>>     list to which you are also subscribed. The program that sends this
>>     message out tries to make sure that it is not responding to any
>>     that it receives from a list server by checking the full e-mail
>>     for list information. Some lists do not provide any keys in their
>>     e-mail headers that we can use to keep the our program from
>>     If you think this is the case, please contact your list admin and
>>     them remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] from their member list.
>>This Spam, containing "Snowhite" in the Subject, is a Virus called
>>Hybris.gen.  It sends out e-mail from your e-mail program with
>>attachments also infected with the virus, in an attempt to infect more
>>computers. This virus scans incoming and outgoing mail and http traffic
>>for e-mail addresses to send a copy of itself to. The e-mail the virus
>>out use a fake or spoofed "FROM:" address of [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
>>hide its tracks.
>>We registered the domain to provide you,
>>the Internet user, with information about this Virus, tips on how to
>>detect, clean and trace it, and how to protect your computer from it in
>>the future.
>>Here are some other facts that may answer questions you may already have:
>>1) We do NOT maintain any mailing lists on our system.
>>2) This user (hahaha) does NOT exist on our system.
>>3) The e-mail you got with the From: field of [EMAIL PROTECTED] did NOT
>>     come from or the web hosting companyís network. This
>>     e-mail address was FAKED or SPOOFED.
>>4) The e-mail you got is a way for the Hybris.gen Virus to spread
>>     itself around the Internet just like the ILOVEYOU Virus that surfaced
>>     a year ago.
>>5) The "Received:" line of the FULL e-mail header will tell you the IP or
>>     Computer name of the person(s) that sent you the Virus.  Most likely,
>>     it came from someone you know who is unaware that his or her computer
>>     is infected with the virus.
>>6) By visiting the domain, you will find helpful
>>     information about the Hybris.gen Virus and links to software you
>>     can use to clean your computer if you are infected, as well as other
>>     miscellaneous information.
>>7) We did NOT create the virus nor do we know the person(s) who created
>>     virus. We are NOT affiliated with this person or persons.  The same
>>     applies to our web hosting company.
>>NOTE: As long as you don't run/open/double click on the attachment
>>of the e-mail, this virus should not be able to infect you just by
>>reading the e-mail.
>>Here are links to well known companies of anti-virus products that
>>will show that what has been said above is true:
>>This is the link to the website we have set up to provide additional
>>information about the Virus:
>>     (this is not an adult site of any type)
>>If have any questions about this, our contact information is located on
>>our web site (
>>Thank you for your time.
>>   NOTE: Any replies sent to the e-mail address of our auto-responder are
>>         viewed by us. Please use the contact information located on
>>our web site.
>>         Thank you.

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