I started the html,  and I have been meaning to request only for text
for weeks now,  when you wrote about the Aqua it seemed as good a time
as any.  I am not mad about it,   it is just a request,  so I don't
miss anything important that might be said.  In the year and half that
I have read this list I have learned a lot of things about the care
and maintenance of my furry little friends.  It was a simple request
that is all,  I did not do it to be mean but just a request.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:52:42 EDT, you wrote:

>Okay, people, I didn't know...and my writing was accepted fine until someone
>wrote in Aqua. So, I'm sick of getting emails that are people just smarting
>off to me. I wasn't the only one who did it and I didn't know font color and
>size was a form of html..Oh, please, Oh please...forgive me!! Gosh.
>Do you people have to wine about that? Just close out of the stupid email and
>go to the next...instead you make other people think its a BIG problem which
>it isnt and then they start getting angry about this.

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