> Also, I cleaned out the gerbil tank today.. not 10
> minutes and the clean, filled food dish (actually a
> cat bowl, about an inch deep) was filled and buried in
> aspen and the remains of what used to be a happy
> toliet paper roll (they took care of THAT in 5
> minutes..)
> Is there anything I can do to get them to stop? Buy a
> board of gerbil friendly wood and place the bowl on
> that? Any ideas? I'm worried they won't be able to get
> to food.. not to mention, picking out the shavings of
> the bowl every time it gets buried is tedious. :p
> Cheers,
> Christina

 You don't need to clean the shavings out of the bowl when they bury it-
it's their natural instinct to try to hide their food supply from any
intruders that may come along (yes, we know how often that happens in an
aquarium, right? :-)  )

 I use bowls for all my tanks and they all get buried. I feed every other
day and, on the non-feeding day, I just dig up the bowl and put it on the
top of the nest, giving a quick check to make sure there's still enough
food. They dig out food when they're hungry and cover it back up when
they're done.

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