In a message dated 8/7/2001 12:06:41 AM Central Daylight Time,

<< >Hi.  I noticed something on one of my females tonight that I've never come
 >across before.  She has blood around her vagina, and on the fur between her
 >back legs.  Has anyone ever seen this before with any of their female

 1. Bleeding discharge from cycle

 2.  Bleeding from an overzealous male breeding her.

 3.  Bleeding because of delivery imminent or just happened.
 (whether or not you find/found pups.  If there was a problem
 she might have destroyed it before you find it)

 4.  Bleeding from miscarry.

 5.  Bleeding because of cysts, tumor, pylometria (infected

 If there's a lot of blood that's bright red, and she's not with
 a male nor has been within the past six weeks, she needs
 to go the the vet right away.

 If it's just a little, it could be as minor as 1 or 2.

 What are her cagemate(s) and is there any possibility she
 could be carrying?

 Or just delivered?

 Has she just suddenly gotten slimmer?

 Let us know.

 Rebel's Rodent Ranch

She's in with a male, the same one she's been with for the past year.  This
has never happened before, and I'd never heard of it happening before, so I
am a little nervous.  There's not a LOT of blood, really.  I'm really hoping
it's just from her cycle (though why would she start doing that all of the
sudden, if she'd never done it before).  It's not from her mate breeding her,
they haven't done that lately.  A couple of weeks ago I thought she might
have been pregnant, but then a couple days later decided it was just a false
alarm, so it's most likely not from a miscarraige or a delivery.  And I'm
really hoping it's not a cyst or tumor.  Would there be more blood with that?

Thank you for your reply.  I'm glad to know that at least someone has had
experience with this.  I've been breeding gerbils for about 4 or 5 years now,
and this is the first time I've ever come across anything like this.

Thanks again!

*Royal Star Gerbils*

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