Ofnuts wrote on 03/04/17 05:18:
> Now, if the MS-Office EULA had some fine print saying "All your
> documents are belong to us" it wouldn't be as pervasive as it is. The
> EULA of the early MS-C compiler had something like this (MS considered
> that since you linked their runtime, your program contained MS code)
> but this was pulled fairly quickly when corporate customers sent in
> their lawyers.

Getting a little off-topic, but did you know that the EULA for Microsoft
Word Viewer (at least the 2007 version I looked at) does not allow you
to view files created by non-Microsoft software?

"a.    General. You may install and use any number of copies of the 
software on your devices. You may use the software only to view and
print files created with Microsoft Office software. You may not use the 
software for any other purpose."

But if someone sent you a ".doc" file, how would you know if it had been
created by Microsoft Word, or LibreOffice, say?

Bob Long
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