I’ll try, but it might help if we knew what platform and OS you are using.

First, I’ve found it is not a good idea to save a working GIMP file as a PSD. 
If you must do this, set up a sequential backup scheme. Best practice is to use 
GIMP’s native format until you are finished, then use “Save as …”

To save this situation, have you tried launching GIMP, then using File Menu: 
Open as Layers …? Not using that option with a PSD file often results in 
problems if the PSD file contains layers.


> On Apr 13, 2017, at 10:59 PM, Following-the-rabbit <for...@gimpusers.com> 
> wrote:
> So, imagine that you're me, you're saving every few hours, and things are 
> going
> pretty well. You're working on a large project that you're getting paid for, 
> and
> you're about done.
> Then the file that you've just saved gets corrupted. 17 hours of work, gone.
> I'm not entirely sure how, but one moment I have a project with 
> eighty-something
> layers, then I open it up shortly after, and it's a one layer picture covered 
> in
> pink and green noise.
> I've tried using two PSD recovery tools. Neither of them did anything.
> For the sake of my client and my paycheck, I need help.
> Is there any way to reverse this, recover a previous save, or anything of the
> sort?
> -- 
> Following-the-rabbit (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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