>An image will always be rectangular but certain formats will permit
>transparency. Jpeg is **not** one of those.
>Very little change to your procedures.
>Open Image, Add an Alpha Channel for transparency, Layers menu ->
>Transparency -> Add Alpha Channel.
>Make your Elliptical selection, Invert it, Cut it. The transparent
>bits are depicted as a checker pattern. Kill the selection. Selection
>-> None
>Now the important bit. Export your image as a png. File -> Export As
>Give the file a name **including** the .png suffix. Just keep the
>default settings.

Thank you Rich, but I did use those exact steps. The issue is that even though
the "square" is transparent, it is still there. When I then open the rounded
.png file in Meshcam (the software I am using for the next step in my process)
it is displayed with the square again.

Huntleybill (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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