On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 09:49:09PM +0100, Jakub Narębski wrote:

> > How is GIT affected? GIT strongly relies on SHA-1 for the
> > identification and integrity checking of all file objects and
> > commits. It is essentially possible to create two GIT repositories
> > with the same head commit hash and different contents, say a benign
> > source code and a backdoored one. An attacker could potentially
> > selectively serve either repository to targeted users. This will
> > require attackers to compute their own collision.
> The attack on SHA-1 presented there is "identical-prefix" collision,
> which is less powerful than "chosen-prefix" collision.  It is the
> latter that is required to defeat SHA-1 used in object identity.
> Objects in Git _must_ begin with given prefix;

I don't think this helps. The chosen-prefix lets you append hash data to
an existing file. Here we just have identical prefixes in the two
colliding halves. In the real-world example, they used a PDF header. But
it could have been a PDF header with "blob 1234" prepended to it (note
also that Git's use of the size doesn't help; the attack files are the
same length).

> the use of zlib
> compression adds to the difficulty.  'Forged' Git object would
> simply not validate...

No, zlib doesn't help. The sha1 is computed on the uncompressed data.


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