On Friday, December 7, 2012 4:14:40 PM UTC, Graziano Aliberti wrote:

> I'm installing Gitorious on Ubuntu Server 12.04 64 bit following the 
> guideline http://coding-journal.com/installing-gitorious-on-ubuntu-11-04/but 
> when I must run this command
> export RAILS_ENV=production && \
>     bundle exec rake db:create && \
>     bundle exec rake db:migrate && \
>     bundle exec rake ultrasphinx:bootstrap
> (in /var/www/gitorious)
> Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
> rake aborted!
> Don't know how to build task 'ultrasphinx:bootstrap'

I'm still in the process of doing my first install, but I think this is due 
to ultrasphinx being replaced with thinking_sphinx.

You'll want to run

rake ts:conf
rake ts:rebuild


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