*Dear All,

I have compiled fft-3.2.1 in a specific user directory; then configured,
compiled gromacs-4.0.3 from source code according to directions and
installed it in the
specific directory, all without any errors, but at the end "make tests"
command fails, the output is:

(if test -d "gmxtest"; then cd "gmxtest"; ./gmxtest.pl all; cd ..; \
else echo "No gmxtest directory found. Please download and unpack it
No gmxtest directory found. Please download and unpack it here.

In addition, after "make install" the note was:

"Make sure to update your PATH and MANPATH to find the
programs and unix manual pages, and possibly LD_LIBRARY_PATH
or /etc/ld.so.conf if you are using dynamic libraries."

Could you please let me know what should I do to resolve the problem
regarding make tests
 and what should I do about the note on PATH and MANPATH?
(I do not have an extensive Linux skills, what file should I modify and how?)

Thank you very much in advance

Nitu Sharma

Structural Biology lab
School Of Life Sciences
Jawaherlal Nehru University
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