Hello Gaurav,
Thanks for your reply,
I did position restrained enegry minimisation, and used following .mdp file for 
the same

title            =  protein
cpp              =  /usr/bin/cpp ; the c pre-processor
define           =  -DPOSRE
constraints      =  none
integrator       =  steep
dt               =  0.002    ; ps !
nsteps           =  1000
nstlist          =  10
ns_type          =  grid
rlist            =  0.9
coulombtype      =  PME
rcoulomb         =  0.9
rvdw             =  0.9
fourierspacing   =  0.12
fourier_nx       =  0
fourier_ny       =  0
fourier_nz       =  0
pme_order        =  4
ewald_rtol       =  1e-5
optimize_fft     =  yes
;      Energy minimizing stuff
emtol            =  1000.0
emstep           =  0.01
pbc            =  xyz

I included define =  -DPOSRE, for restraining the atom postion,
I used posre.itp  which was genertaed by pdb2gmx.

Have I done it correctly, because after this also many of the beeta sheets have 
become short, forming loops.
I also want to ask what is the meaning of fx fy and fz :

; atom  type      fx      fy      fz
     1     1  1000  1000  1000
     5     1  1000  1000  1000
     6     1  1000  1000  1000
     7     1  1000  1000  1000
     8     1  1000  1000  1000
     9     1  1000  1000  1000
    11     1  1000  1000  1000
    12     1  1000  1000  1000
    15     1  1000  1000  1000
    18     1  1000  1000  1000
    19     1  1000  1000  1000
    20     1  1000  1000  1000
    21     1  1000  1000  1000
    22     1  1000  1000  1000
    23     1  1000  1000  1000

which is there in posre.itp file, and if these should have value of 1000 1000 
1000 each ?

Thanks in advance.
Sonali Dhindwal

--- On Wed, 19/5/10, Gaurav Goel <gauravgoel...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Gaurav Goel <gauravgoel...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] enegry minimisation
To: "sonali dhindwal" <sonali11dhind...@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Wednesday, 19 May, 2010, 8:39 PM

For position restraints you need to do the following:

1. define a name.itp file which looks like:

; In this topology include file, you will find position restraint
; entries for all the heavy atoms in your original pdb file.

; This means that all the protons which were added by pdb2gmx are
; not restrained.

[ position_restraints ]
; atom  type      fx      fy      fz
     1     1  1000  1000  1000
     5     1  1000  1000  1000

     6     1  1000  1000  1000
1,5,6 etc. are the atom indices you want to restrain. section 4.3.1 in manual.

2. Add  "define              =  -Dname" to your mdp file

3. Add following lines to your topology file
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef name
#include "name.itp"

4. compile and run.

I'm sure you will find mroe information on position-restrain simulation on 
gmx-users archive.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:26 AM, sonali dhindwal 
<sonali11dhind...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

Hello Gaurav,
Can you please help me in suggesting where should I look for providing 
parameters to constrain the protein backbone and then do EM and then how to run 
a short MD simulation by constraining the protein backbone.

Sorry to bother you, but as I am new to Gromacs, your help will be highly 
Thanks in advance

Sonali Dhindwal

--- On Wed, 19/5/10, Gaurav Goel <gauravgoel...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Gaurav Goel <gauravgoel...@gmail.com>

Subject: Re: [gmx-users] enegry minimisation
To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" <gmx-users@gromacs.org>
Date: Wednesday, 19 May, 2010, 6:44 PM

After adding water you can do energy minimization
 (EM) in two steps:

1. Constrain the protein backbone and do EM.
2. Now do EM on the full system.
3. Run a short MD simulation by constraining the protein backbone.

The above three steps will help hydrate the protein molecule with minimal 
distortion of protein structure.

4. Now run a MD on full system.

for details looks here:


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:18 AM, sonali dhindwal <sonali11dhind...@yahoo.co.in> 

Sorry, but I couldnt get your question,
I have used this .mdp file for energy minimisation after addition of water and 
using GROMOS96 43a1 force field :
title            = drg_trp

cpp              = /lib/cpp ; location of cpp on SGI
define           = -DFLEX_SPC ; Use Ferguson’s Flexible water model [4]
constraints      = none
integrator       = steep
dt               = 0.002    ; ps !

nsteps           =
nstlist          = 10
ns_type          = grid
rlist            = 0.9
coulombtype      = PME ; Use particle-mesh ewald
rcoulomb         = 0.9
rvdw             = 1.0
fourierspacing   = 0.12
fourier_nx     =  0

fourier_ny     =  0
fourier_nz     =  0
pme_order      =  4
ewald_rtol     =  1e-5
optimize_fft      = yes
;       Energy minimizing stuff
emtol               =
emstep              = 0.01

I hope it will help you to guide me further
Sonali Dhindwal

--- On Wed, 19/5/10, Erik Marklund <er...@xray.bmc.uu.se> wrote:

From: Erik Marklund <er...@xray.bmc.uu.se>

Subject: Re: [gmx-users] enegry minimisation

To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" <gmx-users@gromacs.org>
Date: Wednesday, 19 May, 2010, 5:31 PM

sonali dhindwal skrev:
> Hello All
> This question may sound trivial to many, but as i am new to this field, 
> please help.
> I want to ask a question regarding my previous query of distortion of protein 
> strucutre after molecular dynamcs simulation.

> I have noticed that after enegry minimisation using
 steepest decent algorithm, using emtol of 1000 kJ mol^-1 nm^-1 , large amount 
of distortion occurs.
> So is it necessary to do enegry minimisation step before MD, because this is 
> my modeled protein, and i have  already done energy minimisation using 
> different program and after that I have done refinement also.

> Thanks and regards
> ^
> --
> Sonali Dhindwal
So how has your system setup changed since your previous EM? Addition of water? 
Cutoffs? PME?

-- -----------------------------------------------

Erik Marklund, PhD student
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,    75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:    +46 18 471 4537        fax: +46 18 511 755
er...@xray.bmc.uu.se    http://folding.bmc.uu.se/

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