Moeed wrote:
Dear Justin,

Actually, I used -d option because you said the atoms in the box must be half a bond length from the edges of box...I thought maybe this can be done by -d...

My point was that you should not be using a combination of -box, -d, and -angles simultaneously. Use either -box or -d, not both, and don't use -angles.

With PRODRG I am unable to produce coordinate file a chain with less than three C atoms.
I sketched the molecules:
C-C ethane
C=C Ethylene
but I am getting a message:

ERRDRG> PRODRG does not deal with mono/di-atomic molecules.

PRODRG> Program terminated unsuccessfully, sorry!

1- Could you please help me with this. (actually I need structure file of ethylene in the future)

So make a 4-carbon repeat unit. It's easy to draw chains with PRODRG (but there is a limitation to the number of atoms).


2- How can I generate structure file of repeating unit -CH2-CH2- with PRODRG. I tried the followings...and all I am getting is the above message.. :(

 H H
 | |
C-C | |
 H H

 H H
 | |
 | |
 H H




Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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