On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, at 11:22pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>   If you have your own server, you could put up your own archives with
>> your own Perl script, and likely many would thank you.  I would.
> Throughout this thread I've been interested in solving a technical
> problem that I was led to believe existed in the existing mail archive
> server.

  *exasperated sigh*

<FLAME level=mild>

  No.  The problem is not a lack of Perl scripts.  The problem is one of
Real Life and Management and Manpower and all those other Real World things
that get in the way of fun.  I believe I've stated that more then once.

  Here's the deal: The archives currently live on a server that's running
"production" tasks for other people.  In other words, paying customers.  
Bruce Dawson has been kind enough to let us use pre-existing resources on
that server for GNHLUG stuff.  We can't go mucking around with somebody
else's production server without a lot of planning, change management, and
that sort of thing.  We can't load the server up with code without being
careful to make sure it won't bring the server down if an atypical load hits
it (e.g., mailbomb).  We can't just start upgrading everything to enable the
new version of Mailman or whatever work.  In short, we're guests.

  And most of all, there is no "we".  AFAIK, Bruce is the only one who has
access to make system-level changes to that server.  Bruce is really busy
right now with real life and real work and all that other stuff.  I'm not
about to ask him to hand over the keys to his servers to me or anyone else.  
It would be rude.

  The problems I describe above are not going to be solved by any number of
Perl scripts.  Get it?


  Now, there are plenty of options open to anyone who wants to improve

  - Anyone can subscribe the list to a third-party archive service.  This is
how mail-archive.com works.  If you find an archive site you like, use it.  
Indeed, I think the more archives, the better.  Real LUGs don't need
backups, they just let the world mirror their stuff. ;-)

  - Anyone with their own server can install and configure their own
archives to do whatever they want, and subscribe said server to the list.

  - Anyone with sufficient resources (hardware, facilities, and privileges)  
is free to offer to take over IT operations for GNHLUG.  I'm sure Bruce
wouldn't mind getting us off his server.  Provided the group agrees, of
course.  I'm not exactly sure how we'd determine that, but I'm sure we can
think of something.

  Have a good weekend everybody...

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