I agree screen is very useful.

I really loved Screen back in the days of dialup, but it's great when
accessing multiple servers from a lame desktop.  PuTTY &/or  OpenSSH +
screen lets me have manage servers sessions sanely, from anywhere. And
I don't even need Screen on all servers, just my "favorites".

On my old commandline dialup ISP,  I have aliases to start my
newsreader and email reader in new screen sessions, which will either
create a new screen set or add a new session to the existing set.
 alias elm='screen elm'
 alias trn="screen trn $TRN_FLAGS"

It's amazing how often an ancient but simpled tool like screen shows
up on NewsForge's "My Sysadmin Toolkit Top 10" lists, a wonderful
on-going series.

I start long jobs that way, so I can
reattach later (from a different machine, or after booting into a
different OS).

Or after having a dropped connection, as happened in the bad old days
of dialup and happens in WiFi once in a while.

Or folding the laptop and maybe taking it someplace else, as ought to
happen at supper time ... screen can let you go home for supper even
if a job is still running, if you think ahead -- or ALWAYS use it!

 One annoyance: when I use it with Emacs, I keep
forgetting that screen takes over ^A.

Not just real Emacs, but if using Emacs commandline edit mode (set -o
emacs).  '^A a' works as a pass-through ^A.  Usually a couple
incidents of this convinces me to toggle to 'set -o vi'.


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