On Thursday 22 June 2006 9:32 pm, Bill Ricker wrote:
> He said they'd been told that if they wanted onto the show
> floor, since they were a top-tier company, they would be expected to
> sign up as Platinum Conference Sponsors. They choked at the mandatory
> sponsorship surcharge being tacked onto just buying a booth, instead
> of "if you upgrade to Platinum, we'll double your booth size and give
> you a 'free' reception room in addition to plastering your logo all
> over the place" as is / was more common.
The bottom line here is that the cost of a booth for a major vendor like IBM 
and HP is very expensive. Actually, for Linux World, I think HP is probably 
better positioned than IBM because of the consumer desktop market. They 
decided to spend the bucks at Linux World SF this year. 

I think part of the problem was IDG itself. They set up a number of Linux 
World expos, not just East Coast and West Coast, but also Canada, Germany, 
Australia. I think that the Linux community is probably not strong enough 
at this time to really support some of these big major events. 

I don't think the choice of the BCEC was a significant factor in both Linux 
World and MacWorld. One should remember that it was IDG that moved Macworld 
back to Boston when the BCEC first opened, and that when they did that 
Steve Jobs was pissed and Apple decided not to sponsor the show.
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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