On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at 01:37:40PM -0400, Steven W. Orr wrote:
I found an old copy of binutils that comes with gasp. It still doesn't answer why gasp is gone.

As for m4, m4 could be used to write gasp but to start out with m4 would be a huge pain just as it would be to write something in assembler if you have a C compiler. ;-)

I've been quietly reading along, but finally decided to try and found
out what the "official" recommended replacement for GASP is.  Thus quoth
the GAS docs:

"The as internal preprocessor ... does not do macro processing, include
file handling, or anything else you may get from your C compiler's
preprocessor. You can do include file processing with the .include
directive ... You can use the gnu C compiler driver to get other .CPP.
style preprocessing by giving the input file a `.S' suffix."
   -- http://sourceware.org/binutils/docs-2.17/as/Preprocessing.html

I would seem that the expectation when dropping GASP is that people
would use CPP now.  At least, that's my best attempt at interpreting the

Bob Bell
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