Bill wrote:
> people expect replies to go to the person

"People" ?  I've been told that I occasionally fit into
that category, so please tally at least one exception to
your assertion, and allow me to counter with my own:

Mailing lists are understood to be (analogous to) meetings
conducted in a (semi-)public setting.  If I wanted to
communicate with someone on a private, point-to-point basis
I wouldn't post my message on a list.  Messages received via
a list are understood to have come "from" the list and to be
"of" the list; they're public discourse, just like the give
and take in your town's meeting hall.  The normal, default
behavior in such contexts is for each party to say their
thing to all present, not to whisper it in the ear of just one
other attendee.  I'll note that this is such a commonly held
understanding that on those occasions that I *do* engage in
one-to-one followup emails with other subscribers to a mailing
list, we frequently insert something like:

  [private message] the beginning of the message body to make it clear that
we've done something that is *not* the norm, ie.  we've gone
"out of band".

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