On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 18:25 -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Gerry Hull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Or, Buy a used Cisco router on Ebay ...
>   I thought with Cisco, the IOS (firmware) license wasn't
> transferable, so even if you bought used hardware, you still had to
> buy an IOS license from Cisco?

Really? I had no idea. I would have thought the IOS license would go
with the hardware. It's not as if it has somehow transferred to another
piece of hardware. But then Microsoft has weird and wonderful licensing
so there's no reason why Cisco would be any different. That's one reason
I like GPL'd stuff so much. Way less complicated. I've been going
through the Microsoft terminal/user/device/per processor/enterprise
licensing cruft lately and I value Linux that much more for the
experience ;^)


>   (One can violate the license, of course.  But I, personally, find
> that dishonest and distasteful.  Especially since many depend on a
> license -- the GPL -- for certain Free Software protections.  Indeed,
> one of the big reasons third-party firmware modifications in the SOHO
> router market took off was that the GPL required LinkSys to publish
> their source code changes.  (Which they only did after some legal
> prompting.))
> -- Ben
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