> > I've had suggestions from at least two colleagues that we may be the 
> > victims of peer to peer throttling. I'm going back to the Nashua site 
> > later today and I'm going to replace a small internal router that used 
> > to replace a failed router Monday. I don't believe the internal router 
> > has any bearing on the problem because the customer noticed the problem 
> > when there was no internal router in place (we bypassed it as a 
> > workaround). I'm not sure if there is any kind of tool that can be used 
> > to check for throttling. One of my colleagues ran into a Comcast 
> > throttling problem while doing an rsync at a different location. He said 
> > the rsync ran at full speed for about 30 seconds and then basically 
> > dropped to about ten percent performance after that. I need to see if 
> > something similar is going on at the Bedford site.
> > 
> > -Alex
> > 
> > P.S. I'll probably put in a call to One Communications today to have 
> > them check the connection/routing.
Replacing the router at the Bedford site had no effect (as expected). I
called One Communications and talked to an engineer who was more than
willing to help. He said they use an application called hyper-trace. He
was checking the connection at the Bedford end and concluded that there
wasn't anything obviously wrong. He then started checking towards the
Nashua end and said "there's something strange". He then went on to say
that the Comcast end had "too many hops".  So I think we're  back
looking at Comcast. He gave me his name and a trouble ticket number and
said he'd be more than happy to assist the Comcast folks should they
need to talk to him. While he was testing we  were chatting and he
mentioned that although his wife really likes Macs he ran an Ubuntu
system. Nice to know that the folks responsible for networks are also
open source enthusiasts. 


P.S. Since I also have less than wonderful performance from my Comcast
service to the Comcast service in Nashua I might just call up and
complain as an actual direct customer rather than on behalf of my
clients. I'm also getting pretty irritated about this whole mess and the
amount of time I've wasted troubleshooting it. I think I'm going to call
MV Monday morning and see if they can provision a DSL connection at the
Nashua end. I'm also going to withdraw my Comcast business
recommendations for the 20-30 clients I have that use them...

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