On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 09:45 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Good Morning.
> My daughter has a Dell Inspiron (5100) and she dropped it. Consequently, the 
> LCD is cracked in a couple places.
> I assume Dell sold a bazillion of these machines, so also, I assume parts are 
> available...
> Where might I go in the Southern NH or Mass. areas, to
> get this Laptop repaired ???
> Thanks In Advance
> paulc

If you are adventurous, check out eBay for similar laptop models and see
if you can track down an LCD there (you may also need the proper
inverter board for it too). You'd be surprised at how easy it actually
is to disassemble laptops and service them. The key is knowing where to
look for the screws, snaps, etc...

Generally, a lot of people on eBay will sell dead laptops for parts for
really cheap.

Coleman Kane

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