Alex Hewitt wrote:
> Dan Jenkins wrote:
>> Ben Scott wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Hewitt_Tech <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Recently I've noticed that both major overnight package delivery
>>>> companies have been damaging packages.
>>>   Other than the "Recently" part, your experience matches mine.
>>> Shipping eats boxes, but this isn't news.
>>>   My favorite was a story told to me at UNH, where a rather expensive
>>> new computer arrived with holes in the box and BB shot rolling around
>>> inside.  Apparently, someone had used it for target practice.  This
>>> was no more recently than 1996.
>> To be honest we've had largely good luck in shipping, except for a few 
>> instances.
>> My favorite story was when our regular man-in-brown sheepishly brought 
>> in what appeared to be an accordion made of metal - the sole surviving 
>> piece of the server that had fallen out of the back of his truck and was 
>> slammed by a tractor trailer into oncoming traffic where it was hit by a 
>> dump truck and knocked into a swamp where it sank. They did not dispute 
>> the claim.
>> Nothing in the last twenty years has equaled that, so I consider the 
>> other incidents minor annoyances.
>> --
>> Dan Jenkins, Rastech Inc.
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> And now for the rest of the story...
> Fedex has a policy where they need to "inspect" the package for damage. 
> So they picked up the package from the recipient in Florida. They then 
> "inspected" it but ignored my instructions to return it to the delivery 
> point. They instead returned it to the authorized shipping point here in 
> Manchester which is a Mailbox type operation. I didn't find this out 
> until I called Fedex and they told me the package had been dropped off 
> in Manchester yesterday. Here's where it starts to get good - Fedex 
> tells me that I can't file a claim. They say the Mailbox place needs to 
> do it. I stopped at the Mailbox place and when the nice lady (she really 
> is nice) handed it to me I heard a "clunk". I told her I needed to open 
> it up and see what was making the noise. When I took the side panel off 
> I see the 1 TB 3.5 inch hard drive laying in the bottom of the case! 
> They had managed to rip the hard drive and it's retaining sleeve out of 
> the case. The drive had it's Sata signal cable connector sheared off. 
> The CMOS battery mount on the motherboard looked like a rear ended car 
> and the battery was in different part of the case. The motherboard also 
> has a number of crushed header connectors (USB). So on the way back to 
> Manchester Fedex more or less totaled the system. To add insult to 
> injury I'm now stuck waiting for the Mailbox place to make the claim...
> -Alex
> P.S. Although I haven't had a chance to test yet the only things that 
> survived where 4 memory modules, the CPU chip and the fan/heat sink.
> _______________________________________________
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
The corner mailbox place just called to let me know that Fedex won't 
honor my damage claim. They say "wasn't packed properly". So much for 
using factory supplied cartons. Kind of an expensive way to find out 
that is the insurer and the shipper are the same entity, you're going to 
get hosed. Cost me $350 in parts plus $40 for the nasty shipping and 
doesn't include anything for all the wasted time.


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