There are two specialized but excellent word processors that have a very 
specific following. Both have relatively small user bases. 

Word Perfect is still the application of choice for many law offices. If you do 
legal transcription, you often have to certify that you have a valid WP license 
and the latest program. Some statistics (wikipedia) show WP with 15% of the 
business market. 
Lawyers are quite often behind the techno curve. (I have a law degree BTW.)
The free WP for Linux has been removed from most sites. It used wine, and ran 
slowly. Corel's Linux is now Xandros. 

Notabene is for academics that want to quote stuff in foreign languages. It's a 
powerful WP with a fairly steep learning curve, and once you get used to it, 
you never use anything else because all your footnote sources are saved to it.
Think of it as EMACS for non-technology people. It is Windows-only. Very sad. 
Every once in a while someone whimpers that they should produce a Linux 
But I think those people end up with VIM. 


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