On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Ryan Stanyan <ryan.stan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see the 600 DPI in terms of single dimensional resolution.  So I'm
> guessing that 600 DPI is the current limit for letter-sized paper in terms
> of horizontal resolution.

  Right.  My question was, why are all laser printers 600 DPI, while
some inkjets at 1200 DPI, some are 2400 DPI, etc.

> All I know is that printers are the only real
> things in computers nowadays that make my blood boil.

  You clearly haven't used enough "enterprise" software.  ;-)

  But yah, printers are about the only hardware in computing which not
only hasn't advanced as the same pace as everything else, but have
actually gotten *worse* in recent times.

  See also: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/printers

-- Ben

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