On 1/26/2011 1:47 PM, Alan Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Dan Jenkins<d...@rastech.com>  wrote
>>  From this discussion, I learned a few things I didn't know. I hadn't
>> realized that Silverlight (required for Netflix) works under Linux. That
>> was pleasing to find out.
> I looked through the previous thread you reference, but I don't
> find "Silverlight" in there anywhere.  Is it a hack like IEs for Linux, or
> is it straight up supported by M$?  Got a link handy?  I don't mind googling
> on my own, so if it is not handy, don't bother.

A misunderstanding on my part. I was doing some research on the side and 
found some references that it was working. Turns out it was just a 
virtual machine running Windows on a Linux host. There is no native 
Linux Silverlight, unless you count Moonlight, which, I gather, has some 
issues. My mistake.

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