On 09/09/2016 12:06 PM, Richard Kolb II wrote:
> Not exactly related, but I just switched from windows 7 on my primary
> machine to Ubuntu 16.x LTS. I found it horribly slow, which surprised
> me considering it's a faster machine, more ram, and an SSD, over my
> 14.x LTS machine.

Does it perhaps have a worse graphics card--or perhaps even just
a _worse-supported_ graphics card? Bottlenecks can be
at the near end just as well as they can be at the far end....

I had that problem when I upgraded Debian and got GNOME 3
a few years ago--"it" just started seeming to crawl along...,
so I finally upgraded from my 3dfx Voodoo 3 board to a Radeon
and then everything was _much better_.

In that case, "it" turned out to not by my CPU or RAM or
HDD or anything further away from me than the display system.

(I may actually be mixing up the overly-specific details of
 this upgrade story with from slightly longer ago, and
 therefor exaggerating slightly: I may have actually have
 already upgraded from the Voodoo 3 to a Radeon 9250 PCI card
 a year two prior to that and then finally realised that I
 could upgrade by just pulling the 9250 out and using the
 motherboard's inbuilt Radeon RS480 because the upgraded Xorg
 finally had support for that. But either way the story is
 *qualitatively* the same--and frankly I prefer it the way
 I originally remembered it :))

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."
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