It appears that 12-August is the best date for the most people, so let's go with that unless there are objections.

I'll draft an announcement in the next couple of days to post to the - announce list.

If anyone has items they'd like discussed, please bring them up now. I'll go with the topics below if there are no other requests.

On Jun 22, 2006, at 9:11 AM, Ted Roche wrote:

Voting is going hot and heavy: the four dates are neck-and-neck! If you haven't gotten your votes in yet, vote early, vote often. Even if all four dates work for you, I'd appreciate hearing whether or not you would be interested in attending (in general, we'll confirm closer to the date)

I'll pick a date Monday and repost this request to the main list so all GNHLUG members have a chance to join the meeting.

A couple topics I've heard from other activists:

[1] by-laws and non-profit registration
[2] lessons learned at Wood Badge camp
[3] thoughts on organizing a chapter: coordinator, alternate, announcements, facilities, speaker planner; how to acquire and maintain a group of volunteers.
[4] quarterly meeting topics and venues
[5] brainstorming: new projects; topics that work and don't; best recent meetings; ideas for outreach and community involvement

On Jun 16, 2006, at 8:18 AM, Ted Roche wrote:

2006 is the third or fourth year we've resolved to become a "real" organization. Let's see if we can do it. One goal for the March^H^H^H^H Winter^H^H^H^H^H^ Spring^H^H^H^H^H Summer Summit 2006 is to have a set of by-laws to finalize and agree to.

That's my project. What's yours? Please respond and let's build up an agenda.

GNHLUG may have some interesting opportunities coming up this year.

I'd like to get together on a Saturday afternoon in the summer. Location is likely to be different. Matt and Heather have tentatively offered their home (in the Nashua area) for the meeting. Please respond with your (dis)interest and availability for the following dates:

July 8
July 22
August 5
August 12

Voting closes in a week or as soon as a majority is reached, so vote early, vote often!

Agenda beta 1: (Suggestions/Objections welcomed)

1. Registration as a non-profit and by-laws, nomination and election of the first board

2. The shiny new GNHLUG server

3. Ongoing projects

4. The TaskMaster

5. Upcoming events we should be thinking about involving GNHLUG in

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

gnhlug-org mailing list

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

gnhlug-org mailing list

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

gnhlug-org mailing list

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