On Jul 10, 2008, at 19:52, Arc Riley wrote:

> I'm not a board member, but this seems like a more prudent agenda  
> item.  Not
> saying I wouldn't like to see the Ubuntu SIG discussed, but I can  
> see the
> fear of there being a rush to form new SIGs be a barrier for it.

A brief history of PySIG (with much paraphrasing):

Lloyd asked me if we ought to do python discussions on the DLSLUG  
list.  He had started a Meetup already.
I said, "hey, why don't we do a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list and maybe  
start a Python SIG".
After we had that running for a few weeks I announced it to GNHLUG- 
discuss.  Bill Sconce joined and said, "howdy."
A few months later Bill said, "I think we should meetspace".
And more than three years later PySIG is a vibrant SIG of GNHLUG.  I  
believe the Ruby SIG is doing similarly well, though I haven't made  
it to that timezone yet.

So, which problem are we solving by imposing a regulatory structure  
on SIG's?  Empirically the organic model has proven to be  
successful.  So, let's fix that?


Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC              Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               Cell: 603.252.2606
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