On Jul 14, 2008, at 09:13, Ben Scott wrote:

>   Keep in mind this is only for entities operating in the name of the
> Legal Entity GNHLUG.  There's nothing keeping anyone from simply going
> out and getting stuff done on their own.

Perhaps it's worth figuring out then whether a SIG/whatever ought to  
be a subunit of GNHLUG or merely affiliated with it (in order to keep  
everybody's heads as low as possible and process to a minimum).  For  
instance, what benefit is there to having PySIG as a 'part' of GNHLUG  
that wouldn't be otherwise satisfied under a lower regulatory  
hurdle?  I understand the benefits of having GNHLUG being a  
functional entity of the State of New Hampshire, but it might also be  
possible to apply some UNIX-fu to keep the 'code' as small as  
possible.  There are certainly all kinds of models we could dream up  
where GNHLUG co-sponsors events, or whatever label makes regulatory  


Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
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