At 11:10 AM 2/7/2000 , you wrote:

start windowmaker :-)


>On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Thomas Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Quoting tom r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Has anyone had any luck with kvoicecontrol ?  It is supposed to provide a
> > > voice
> > > recognition control facility under KDE.  The documentation with it says
> >
> >   I messed around with it a while back.  It should be noted, it really 
> > provide voice recognition.  It provides sound recognition, aka, you record
> > the 'sound', usually, a voice command, that 'does' something.  It then 
> listens
> > for that sound, and, when found, it would execute it's function.
>What would be a good function to bind to: "Beam me up Scotty" ?
>Karl Runge
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