It's been my experience that titles mean little. My title is `Security
Analyst`. I don't analyze anything. My partner is a `Senior Security
Analyst`, and he doensn't analyze anything, either. PHB's like to give
everyone a title so they can refer to titles in a meeting without
actually mentioning a person. 
        I think the `Senior` thing came about because one PHB wanted to be
better than another PHB by having better people reporting to him/her.
These titles mean nothing to the techies while we sit in our cubes
trying to figure out what to do with our business cards ;-)
Derek Martin wrote: 
> Well, I was given the title... I personally hate titles, and
> I'd be much happier with something like "Unix Geek" -- but the
> marketroids don't like to put those kinds of things on business
> cards.  Then again, I have no real use for business cards
> either.

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