I personally prefer SuSE. Caldera is good for the first time newbie, but 
lacks many things, such as emacs. SuSE installs are slower than Red Hat 
partially because SuSE contains more packages. (6 CDs in all).
tom r wrote:

> I'm thinking of replacing my Red Hat with Caldera just because Redhat seems t
> o 
> think that they can assume it's a Redhat  world.  I want everyone to assume
> that they can't assume anything about the target machine.  "Free software (fr
> ee
> as in speech) means that big market share just means that you are doing it
> right.   I'm gonna delete every rpm I've got and insist on source tarbals fro
> m
> now on.
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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