
I changed the subject line for a reason.  I use (and bash whenever possible)
Outlook at work and Linux and kmail at home.  Both of which are not germane to
this thread.

Did anybody actually get this thing ?  I got 14 warnings about it, the NPR news
is full of it.  I don't have it and I want to see it!   Please continue this
discusion on the original "RE:Let's torture and kill..." thread.  Then we can
all skip that.


On Thu, 04 May 2000, you wrote:
> > On Thu, 4 May 2000, Thomas Charron wrote:
> > >   You know, all of this bashing on why Outlook does this and that, not
> one
> > > has mentioned that *IT'S the DUMMIES WHO RAN IT*'s fault.  It didn't run
> > > itself.  Someone had to open it..  This is a question of intelligence,
> which
> > > has *NOTHING* do with Operating systems..  A properly secured NT box..
> > I wish this were true, but it sadly is not. The MS Outlook program has a
> > "feature" which previews messages. Anyone who has that feature turned on,
> > which I believe it is by default, would become infected simply by
> > retrieving messages from theie pop/imap/whatever box.
>   This particular virus was a file *atachment*.  It did not use the
> bug^M^M^Mfeature your speaking of..  :-P
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it's broken.

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