Hi all,

I'd just like to say it's been fun on this list for the past 7 or 8 
years, but it's time I bow out.

I've found that the S/N ratio is way out of proportion, and I have 
too much to do to even follow the various flame wars and MS-bashings 
that take place way to frequently now-a-days.

I will still continue to organize the Nashua chapter meetings for the 
time being (unless someone *really, really* want to take that off my 
hands :) and therefore will remain subscribed to the -announce list.
If you meeting topic suggestions/requests/ideas, please post them 
there so I'll see them, or send them directly to me, I'm sure y'all 
have my e-mail address :)

Anyway, it's been fun, and I truly hope you all have fun beating MS 
and each other up daily :)


        If we spent half as much time coding as we do bashing
         others for not supporting Free/Open Source Software,
              just imagine how much cooler we would be!

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the
*body* (*not* the subject line) of the letter:
unsubscribe gnhlug

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