On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 12:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't believe that MySQL has support for record locking (I may be 
> wrong) 

This is correct.

> and it definitely doesn't handle table joins or secondary 
> indexing very well, 

There are no "foreign keys", however, it seems to handle joins and
multiple indexing reasonably well to me.  Our database at Pan Am has
over 30 tables, several of which are approaching the 1 million mark and
it seems to handle it reasonably.  Of course, we're way past the point
that we need the extra features in PostgreSQL, but haven't had the time
to look into migrating.  We're still running though.

> and it doesn't support transactions at all
> (supposedly they were grafting support for transactions on, but it 
> will be a graft, not native support!). 

s/were grafting/have grafted/

It's been able to do this for a while now.  Haven't ever tried it

> PostgreSQL has all of this.

And much more.  Some of the features PostgreSQL has that MySQL does not:

Views, commit/rollback, row level locking, stored procedures.

> You should check out the MySQL and PostgreSQL FAQs.  I know one of 
> them points to a comparisson list between the two, and figure out 
> which one suits your needs.

Couldn't agree with this more.

"If Al Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell check."
        -- Dan Quayle

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
Code Energy, Inc
(603) 766-2208
PGP Key ID: 0x43E5755D

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