On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Tom Buskey wrote:
> I'm able to read it just fine.  However, I'm using exmh too.

  It is the integrated GPG/PGP armor decoding, not exmh per se, that enables
you to read what Paul said.

> So some of us can read Paul's stuff.

  Yah, and the Outlook users can read the Outlook barf, too.  Some of us
just want plain old text.  7-bit ASCII.  No special language characters.  
No ANSI control codes.  No HTML.  No special encodings.  No multi-color
custom-font inline-image emails that talk when you open them.  Plain old
fscking text, that works on everything from a Timex Sinclair to a toaster.

  (Sorry for the rant, but I've been (trying) to communication with someone
who only sends email as HTML marked as "text/plain" today, and it has made
me wish for the good ole days when men were men and sent email by "telnet
localhost 25".  ;-)

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