I agree. In my $.02 opinion, what made Microsoft "great" is
that at one time they were more "open" than anyone else at the
time. Their stuff was easier to work with... remember all the ugly
copy protection schemes vendors used to prevent people from making
copies of the software they shelled out $$$ for? Disks  with
bad sectors, dongles, programs that required the original diskette
to be in the "A" drive etc. Ugh, that was awful.  I don't recall
many Microsoft products that did that sort of thing .. they
were easier to work with.

Then OSS came along and software becam available that
was even more open while M$ has been going the other
direction. M$ is  doomed for the same reasons they have
become great.

-Andrew Gaunt

Benjamin Scott wrote:

>  How quickly we forget.  In the 1980s, you could do s/Microsoft/IBM/ and
>pretty much have today's headlines W.R.T. anti-trust and related things.

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