I have not used GNUmeric, but I have use Star Office as well as M$ Excel. While SO 
(5.2) is 
bloatware as is M$Office, 6.0 is a major improvement. I use Star Office primarily for 
my classroom 
presentations at Northeastern. I did not want to switch versions mid-quarter, but I 
plan to upgrade 
to 6.0 when Sun officially releases it. 
On 8 Mar 2002 at 18:51, Tom Rauschenbach wrote:
> I have never used a spreadsheet before but I need one now.  I just tried 
> Kspread but there appears to be no documentation.  Is it compatible with 
> something that IS documented ?  Or can someone suggest a different 
> spreadsheet tool.  I'm neither picky nor demanding, I just need something 
> simple and capable.
> Obviously I'm a KDE user so a GNOME tool starts out with one strike against 
> it, unless somebady can convince me that I can run GNOME tools.
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Boston Linux and Unix user group
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