Hey all,

About once every oh, say, 6 months, someone asks if anyone knows of
any good, free X servers for Windows.  IIRC, the answer has always
been basically that no, there aren't any.  Well, there is one. It's
called XFree86.  No, I'm not making it up.

If you install Cygwin, which is basically a Unix compatibility layer
for Windows plus a bunch of GNU tools, you can also install XFree86 on
top of it.  It only seems to come with TWM as the window manager, but
I imagine you could compile FVWM for it too...

I've attached a PNG for those who are interested.  It shows a running
Cygwin/XFree86 session where I'm ssh'd (openssh 3.1-p1 from Cygwin)
into my Linux laptop, reflecting my Netscape communicator and an xterm
back to the windows box.  And I brought up Paint so you can see it
really is windows...  ;-)

You can get both Cygwin and Cygwin/XFree86 at


Hope someone finds this useful.  

Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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Attachment: xwin.png
Description: PNG image

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