Unless things have changed a lot from 7.0 (or I am mistaken - I haven't messed 
with it for a long time) the entry:


is what you need.  Yours probably says:


My guess is that the installer choses runlevel (3 -- or not 5 at least)because 
  it might be a good idea not to boot into X for a new system. Better to try X 
out 1st with startx.  I think both 7.0 and 7.2 did that for me.

BTW: for $7 you can buy an up-to-date RH 7.2 CD-ROM set with all errata 
applied and some extras.  See http://www.tummy.com/KRUD.  Subscriptions are 
available for monthly update disks.  I plan to install the March update real 
soon now, replacing my 7.0 RedHat -- and getting up-to-date on Erratas all at 
once.  (not associated with tummy.com, just a customer, ...)

-- Mark Polhamus

> Anyone install RH7.2, have the X config go smoothly, have it tell you 
> that GNOME would be your desktop, choose a graphical login, and still 
> have it present you with a text login?
> I know there are probably a bunch of errata packages available for 
> 7.2, and I don't really care about that right now.  I'm just trying 
> to determine if the behavior I'm seeing is "normal" 7.2 behavior,
> or it's something I screwed up in the installation.  If this really 
> is a bug, and something fixed with an update package, great, if not, 
> great, I just need to know right now :)
> (obviously I can get X to start if I need to, I'm just curious about
>  whether this is expected behavior or not)
> Thanks!

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