In a message dated: 23 May 2002 11:09:07 EDT
"Kenneth E. Lussier" said:

>It's about time, too. Even "Linux Companies" like Penguin, Angstrom
>Micro, and formerly VA, didn't ship Debian. It was all Red Hat. 

That's not entirely true.  VA was shipping Debian "towards the end".
Of course, "way back then" when there were "Linux Companies", the 
only distro anyone had heard of *was* RedHat.  When you're trying to 
get into a company and end up talking to a PHB or some other exec who 
asks what's on the box, you don't want to answer them with something 
requiring a long-winded explanation which will delve into exactly 
what a distro is, how it works, blah, blah, blah.

You want to answer them quick and decisively with something they 
(think they) understand.  They "knew" RedHat, they had no clue what 
Debian was.  It would have only lead to confusion.


        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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