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At some point hitherto, [EMAIL PROTECTED] hath spake thusly:
> On 24 Jun 2002, at 3:19pm, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> > Could you provide clarification as to where you are proposing to store
> > this?  On the IMAP server itself?
>   I am envisioning a procmail work-a-like program that runs on an IMAP
> client machine, but accesses and stores mail on an IMAP server.
>   Basically, imagine a person who:
>   - Wants or has to keep his mail on an IMAP mail server
>   - Cannot run procmail on the server
>   - Wants the filtering capabilities of procmail

Isn't this what Netscape and Outbreak do when you enable filters?  I
really don't know as I've never even conceived of using the feature,
but from other's descriptions that's what I thought they did.

> > Given my druthers, I'd rather run my own server, but Paul's particular
> > situation left him few options.
>   Paul likes exmh, and MH clients and IMAP do not mix

This isn't exactly true; Paul is just stubborn. It is true that exmh
can't access IMAP folders directly.  The solution to this problem is
use fetchmail to retrieve the IMAP messages, and use exmh to read them
locally.  You can either leave the messages on the server, or provide
your own back-up mechanism.  Or, you can just use Mutt. :)  [Mutt
supports mbox, mmdf, maildir, mh... etc. as well as IMAP and POP3.]

> so he would have little use for such a tool, I am sure.

This part, OTOH, is quite true.  If you were to use the above
technique, clearly you'd just filter locally with procmail.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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