In a message dated: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:19:29 EDT
"Derek D. Martin" said:

>> > Given my druthers, I'd rather run my own server, but Paul's particular
>> > situation left him few options.
>>   Paul likes exmh, and MH clients and IMAP do not mix
>This isn't exactly true; Paul is just stubborn.

Hey, wait! I resemble that remark! ;)

>It is true that exmh can't access IMAP folders directly.
>The solution to this problem is use fetchmail to retrieve the IMAP messages,
>and use exmh to read them locally.

Which is exactly what I'm doing now.

>You can either leave the messages on the server, or provide
>your own back-up mechanism.

Not following this line of thought.  If I leave the messages on the 
server and use fetchmail to access them, I then must constantly 
download all the messages I've already read but left on the server.

And what do you mean by "back-up mechanism"?

>Or, you can just use Mutt. :) 
>[Mutt supports mbox, mmdf, maildir, mh... etc. as well as IMAP and POP3.]

Mutt has minimal support for mh folders.  Yes, it can read them, but 
it doesn't update your scan cache or your unseen cache, which means 
that if you jump back and forth between different interfaces to you 
mailbox, like mutt and exmh, your view of things under each interface 
will be quite different.

>> so he would have little use for such a tool, I am sure.
>This part, OTOH, is quite true.  If you were to use the above
>technique, clearly you'd just filter locally with procmail.

Which is exactly what I do.

Maybe you're referring to the way I worked at MCL when I insisted on 
running exmh *on* the mail server.  The reason for this had nothing 
to do with exmh or IMAP.  On the contrary, it had everything to do 
with procmail.  In an ideal situation (which I found myself in at MCL 
and don't at my current site of employment) I want to do several 
things with my e-mail:

        - use vacation as an auto-responder
        - filter several hundred e-mails per day as they come in
        - access 1 view of my e-mail from multiple locations
        - high availability for where I read my e-mail from

While at MCL I accessed my e-mail on a daily basis from my house as 
well as while at work.  If I were to have used fetchmail from my 
desktop system to suck my e-mail down to it, I had no HA capability,
not in the sense of a clustered environment, but at least on UPS and 
regularly backed up.  I could not guarantee with any amount of 
certainty that my system would be up over a weekend much less a week 
while on vacation.  That means that:

        - I was no longer filtering my e-mail real-time
        - I couldn't read my e-mail with a single, consistent view
        - I couldn't have vacation auto-respond to incoming e-mail

Since exmh doesn't have direct IMAP support, it made more sense to 
run the client on the mail server.  Additionally, I don't like mutt.
I have years of customizations invested in exmh, why should I spend 
an inordinate amount of time re-learning a tool which IMO falls short 
of the capabilities I have with exmh?

But you're right, I am stubborn :)


        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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