In a message dated: 29 Jul 2002 12:44:36 EDT
Kevin D. Clark said:

>> As I stated earlier, I don't feel that feeding information back into 
>> the company calendar is important.  
>If you are scheduled to take a day off next week, and one of your
>co-workers wants to schedule you for a meeting on this day, do you think
>that it's important for your co-worker to be able to discern from
>looking at the calendar that you won't be in on this day?

Well, in general, I agree with the point you're trying to make.  
However, I have never really maintained a calendar of any sort, 
including here in my current position.  Therefore, I have never 
before, nor do I now, "schedule" my days off, vacation, work-at-home 
days in any calendar.  So my co-workers are not likely to be able to 
derive any sense of whether I'm free or not, since my calendar is 
currently completely empty all the time.

I'm also usually never aware ahead of time whether I'm taking a day 
off.  I tend to just work all the time, and then spontaneously take a 
day off when necessary at the last minute.  Same thing with vacations.
So, even if I were to feed information back in, I'd be wasting even 
more time cancelling meetings at the last minute because I had 
previously wasted time accepting the invitation :)

But that's just me.  I'm well aware that most other people are far 
better about time management than I am or ever will be (besides, 
that's why I got married, so I don't *have* to keep track of this 
stuff!  My wife *is* my social calendar[1] :)

>> In case anyone hasn't figured this out yet, I really find the 
>> "Exchange way of doing things" quite annoying.  Actually, to the 
>> point of being rude, presumptuous, and quite impersonal.  But I
>> won't pontificate on that here, at least not now ;)
>> thoughts 
>OTOH, where I work, if I'm invited to a meeting, it's for a good

Wish I could say the same :)

>and I do have to say that having some notion of a shared
>calendar does seem to be worthwhile.

I think the notion is a good one, I just wish the implementation were 
as good as the idea.  It seems that's where the concept lacks, is in 
implementation :)

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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