On Fr, 2011-02-25 at 11:46 -0700, Robert Park wrote:
> The more I think about my previous suggestion ('hide on new workspace'
> button at left and close button at right), the more I like it. It's
> because both actions will result in the window disappearing, but the
> buttons are far apart, so there's no chance to accidentally hit one
> when you meant the other. 

The idea is intriguing.But perhaps all it needs is to make current
behavior of the minimze-button more clear; i.e. where the window
'physically' goes. Let the thumbnail of the current workspace slide in
briefly during the minimize-animation and highlight the thumbnailed
version of the minimized window with a subtile glow on the
workspace-thumbnail before it slides out. That would help a lot to make
things clear, I think.

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