Hello, you bunch of overly nice people!

We tried to politely convince jimmac to draw us icons for free but he
directed us here instead. As you probably don't know, we're working on
the most awesome addition to the GNOME family - GNOME Achievements!
This means trophies for everyone and making exploring your desktop an
exciting task. To make that happen we need awesome icons for the
achievements themselves and unfortunately whatever we try to draw we
end up with something between spaghetti and ramen.

Please help! Save the trophies! Bring free icons until 5:00 PM
Thursday or else we drown this bag full of kittens!

What we really need is:
 * trophy-platinum
 * trophy-gold
 * trophy-silver
 * trophy-bronze
 * trophy-locked

Comment from sir jimmac:
> I think it would be cool to introduce a specific 'badge' style for
> these. And I wouldn't go for generic trophies, but specific badges to
> the achievement. Very much like what Gowalla does.

But still, generic fallback trophies first please!


P.S. Please note that while we are not Seif Lotfy, his CLEARLY
inferior project could probably use the same icons too
P.P.S. Oh, the code - it's not there yet, but progressing steadily
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