Hey guys and girls,

Bastien, Thomas and I met up in London last week to discuss the
control center and GNOME 3. Meeting minutes are available here
http://live.gnome.org/ControlCenter/GNOME3Meeting1 if you're
interested, but the reason I'm emailing here is that we need some help
with design patterns in the control center.


* Authentication
* Help
* Switching panels (back, forwards, but no breadcrumb?)
* Setting system-wide default
* Delayed "Apply" (e.g. display settings)

Do we put these as buttons at the bottom (like GNOME2) or do we want a
(?) for help like OSX or something completely different.

Other things like setting a systemwide default probably want some sort
of pattern too.

Advice please. Mockups would be lovely. Keep up the good work,

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