Anonymous wrote:
> I have done some investigation and found that spam originated from 
> website which runs Simpla. This CMS is unmaintained 
> for long time and has vulnerability which allows GLAT scammers to send emails 
> anonymously by uploading PHP scripts.
> This issue was already reported before but nobody fixed it.

I do not see any issue, actually.  If the CMS in question provides an interface 
for sending mail, then full-featured demo should provide it as well.

> Administrator panel for this site should be permanently closed if Simpla is 
> dead.

Suggest it to administrators of the site.  But I believe, they do not regard 
their software dead.

When a program is not updated for a couple of years, it does not necessary mean 
that it is dead.  Sometimes a program is _ready_ and does not need any more 

> Serious spam attack on many websites is expected on 2020-01-01 or before.


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