Adam Spiers writes:
> Killing GitHub would actually help Free Software, because then most
> Free Software projects on there would migrate to GitLab and other
> more free git hosting platforms.  That already happened to a smaller
> extent when Microsoft bought GitHub; there was a noticeable exodus.
> So in fact the purchase has already helped Free Software :-)

Yes, I'm also positive on this point. Actually, such kind of scheme can
only play once, if Microsoft made it, then contributors will not trust
them anymore.
However, I'm a bit concern that Microsoft may destroy the faith of
contributors. Because if GitHub is down, people may thought FOSS is
failed on business, which is never true. And I'm trying to find better
business model for FOSS as an entrepreneur. I don't know, but I believe
I can find a better way to survive.

Best regards.

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