1. From what I have seen over time, goanet cannot replace class room,
neither long  years of research and study. It can serve to call attention to
some issues and little more. The themes of Inquisition and SFX require vast
reading and thorough familiarity with a vast  bibliography and documentation
 Those who think that placing documents on-line (how many?) would solve the
controversies are wrong. Historians know better that documents do not speak
for themselves. They need to be interpreted in the context in which they
were produced, and that requires lots of more knowledge than what few
documents may provide.

2. It is also important that those who want to discuss seriously a theme,
keep abreast of new research findings and publications. How many of those
talking on the Goanet have read the recent publications, say for instance, 
of Ines Zupanev or Ana Cannas da Cunha? This last named author has recently 
published new documentation to prove that Inquisition was already at work 
in Portuguese India much before 1560. Hence, it did not wait for the
*official* establishment of it to start its work.  There were already cases
running against the cripto-Jews who had been running away from Portuguese
Inquisition in Portugal and seeking refuge in *distant* India from 1536
onwards on a big scale. Hence, the concern of SFX and several other
important Jesuits of the time, such as Gaspar Barzeo, Baltazar Dias, Antonio
Quadrso, Belchior Nunes Barreto, Gongalo Silveira, etc. 

3. As to the point made below that SFX was busy moving about and that after
the first three years was at  places far away from India,  we should not
forget that he remained Jesuit superior responsible for everything in the
East. Even just before he left on his last voyage to China he left detailed
instructions to Fr. Gaspar Barzeo on how he should run the show during his
absence from India. These instructions make a very interesting reading,
including what SFX thought of women.

Teotonio R. de Souza


Gilbert Lawrence wrote:


Not many Goans / Indians know that the inquisition was brought from

Europe to Goa nine years after SFX died. And about seven years before SFX
died, he left Goa for the far east- Spice Islands, Japan and then making
plans to go to China. So SFX was only actively involved in India for the
(first) three short years. This time was spent along the whole coast from
Bassein (north of Mumbai / Bombay) to the southern tip of Kerala and then
going to Madras/ Chennai.


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